Friday 18 September 2015

China, the first destination

Hypothesis about Health in China Southern Asia Countries:
1.          The issue of children with disabilities in China and South Asian countries is worse than in European countries because of unhealthy lifestyles , environmental pollution , and the unresolved situation in post-war zones.
First at all I have to say that before I wasnt sure if something like a culture shock exists. I travelled quite a lot, but first in my life I felt that I am in places which are in one point amazing but and in another point terrible. Beijing was our first destination and I enjoyed it a lot. I was surprised all the time. We stayed few days with a guy from couchsurfing and thanks to him we found out some information for our topics, because after it was almost impossible to find someone who spoke English. Beijing is a capital city of China and is also one of the biggest city in China. It was first time for me to be in such a huge city like this. We realized that is not enough to move somewhere in Beijing just like we are still in Beijing so it is ok. You really have to think about where and how you are going to stay, because after you will just spend your time in public transport which was sometimes longer than one and half hour to reach a place where we wanted to go. Once when we tried to stay a little bit out of the city we didnt have any opportunity to speak with someone in English, but when we moved to a place where the people are used to foreigners and they know a little bit of English in same time they dont like to speak just for fun, they have to make a business and not to waste the time. Beijing and Shanghai are huge and incredible cities but for finding out what China real is it is not a good place but, actually maybe this is what means the real China. Streets full of people with phones in hands, or is it real China those fancy streets full of expensive branches? Unfortunately reality is the difference between people, middle class is the biggest part of the population of China but also is one of the poorer one. We met some really nice people in a train when we travel to another province call Fujian. We spent more or less ten ours in the train and we managed to communicate with locals with translators in phones. Other think which I never realized before how Im used to have Google. Google browser, Google maps, Google weather, Google and Google everything what is produced by Google is forbidden by VPN rule. And Facebook and Viber too, but those two I didnt need so much for to plan something. So it was always fun to use bing which took half a day to find what could be important for us. Such a good experience anyway. 
So my question in the beginning was how is it with health in China? Are they really used to cure people with Chinese medicine? Are they stronger than Europeans? I had many questions. After few days in Beijing I decided to focus on children and on disabilities for one simple reason. On the street we met a lot of beggars but not only adults, also a lot of mothers with their children. I looked on them and I thought about possibilities for long term curing. For me it was really interesting because about China I could say that there is no Post War situation like in countries in South of Asia and is not a country side or mountains like in different places in China. They are in cities full of technology and modern lifestyle so where this problem is coming from. From really few information I got some pieces of true about China. Huge cities in east side of China are full of people from villages where they couldnt survive and especially with disable members of their families. Another point is that in those huge cities we saw kind of consume societies so they are also full of fastfoods and unhealthy products in shops. (E11 is a classic add in instant Chinese soups). Many of those disabilities where a combination of psychological and biological problems. The most common were  Down syndrom or Hydrocefalus  or another mental disease with body deformities. How to treat those disabilities is a question even in my country but always is there a special place where you can find professional help. In China of course if you have money you can do a lot I saw many people with different problems of disabilities which had everything right around like assistants or things for help and make their life easier. In third point it was incredible the air pollution. In Beijing is a general problem I couldnt imagine before that I will not be able to see the sun through the pollution.  The air pollution gives another health problem: respiration diseases. Many people were counting as well as children. When I spoke with a guy in train, he tried to explain me that even in Beijing started a campaign against the air pollution it is not enough to solve anything and people started to realize that many of diseases is coming out  of unhealthy environment. So yes unhealthy lifestyle and no support of government are places in China which are worse than in Europe. But The communism party which is in charge in China made the same mess like in countries in Eastern Europe and I can see many similar things. But in my opinion China will grow up faster and the globalization of the world will help to China becoming more powerful than we can ever imagine.
To see the whole of China and get a really deep picture of life in China it is needed to stay there longer time. China gave me a lot such an incredible cities and nature as well. Shame that I couldnt see more and go more deep in all of topics, because China is in many things so equal but in the same time really different. Their kept culture, many temples of Budha or Confucio are around and we could see West countries culture just in modern lifestyle which in number of Chinese people became worse than in our countries in Europe.

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